FORG Lab, IIT Guwahati
News & Announcements: ​
July 2024: Nilotpal Deka has joined as a Ph.D. scholar in our research group.
Jan 2024: Dr. Manav successfully defended his thesis entitled " Towards lead-free metal halide perovskites for various applications".
Jan 2024: Miss Latika and Mr. Pragalbh joined as a Ph.D. research scholar in our research group.
Sept 2023: Dr. Saikat Bhaumik joined as an Assistant Professor in Physics Deptt. at IIT Guwahati.
Dec 2022: Mr. Ashutosh Mohapatra received best poster award for his work at IIT Jodhpur, 2022 MRSI International conference.
Aug 2022: Mr. Ashutosh Mohapatra received best poster award for his work at FIMTA, 2022 International conference.
Jun 2022: Miss Kajol Sahoo has joined as a Ph.D. research scholar in our group.
Feb 2022: Dr. Saikat Bhaumik is selected as Review editor for the journal of Frontiers in Nano Materials.
Aug 2021: Dr. Saikat Bhaumik is selected as Review editor for the journal of Frontiers in Electronic Materials.
Apr 2021: Miss Kajol Sahoo has joined as a Project Assistant in our group.
Jan 2021: Mr. Ashutosh Mohapatra has joined as a Ph.D. Scholar in our group.
Jan 2021: Miss Smaranika Ray has joined as a Ph.D. Scholar in our group.
Dec 2020: Miss Urjjarani Patel has joined as a Project Assistant in our group.
Jan 2020: Miss Smaranika Ray has joined as a Project Assistant in our group.
Nov 2019: Mr. Manav Raj Kar has joined as a Tutor cum Research Associate in our group.
Nov 2019: Dr. Saikat Bhaumik has received SERB Start up Research Grant of amount 30 Lakhs rupees.
Sept 2018: Dr. Saikat Bhaumik joined as an Assistant Professor at ICT-IOC, Bhubaneswar.